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Maternal employment benefits around the world

Amongst the huge outcry and human rights campaigns, activists and protests, the rights for women in employment have been overshadowed. The world’s 49.6% of the population consists of women. *

By nature, gender equality is the death of feminism. Women should not have equal rights as men! They deserve far more rights compared to men. This is because their responsibilities are dual. Nature has gifted motherhood to women. The whole journey of motherhood is unique to women.

Many countries have incredible maternity leave packages. **

  • In Sweden, parents are allowed 480 long paid days off per child, that both parents can share, and what more? They can take it any time before the child reaches 8 years.
  • In UK, 365 days of maternity leave are allowed

In comparison,

  • In Qatar only 50 days of maternity leave are given, UAE offers 45, Tunisia offers 30 days paid leave. 
  • The Unites States offers 84 days of UNPAID maternity leave. Yes that’s right! The so-called industrious nation, that holds itself as the bearer of human rights, is among the worst countries for maternity leave. When I first heard this from a US citizen, I couldn’t believe it! I just couldn’t!

Some countries have gone beyond the traditional gender roles, and given paternal leaves as well, or shared leaves. This makes employment opportunities at least manageable. Flexible hours, split-duties, part time duties are some other ways of enabling work opportunities, especially for mothers.

I strongly believe that countries who fall short of these standards, should strive to achieve these goals. Implementing these send a strong message not just regarding the rights of the mother and the baby, but also that they value and respect women!


*Population of women according to World Bank 2021 data

**Parental Employment Benefits Around the World (Infographic)

By Kim Lachance Shandrow (January 28, 2015)




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