emotional inteeligence of a daughter in law

Mastering Emotional Intelligence as a Daughter-in-Law

By Atiqa Jabeen

The capacity to identify, comprehend, control, and affect emotions—one’s own as well as those of others—is known as emotional intelligence (EI), sometimes referred to as emotional quotient (EQ). For a daughter-in-law, negotiating her spouse’s family, particularly her in-laws, calls for both emotional and practical intelligence. A strong EQ aids in navigating the intricacies of family dynamics while promoting wholesome, harmonious relationships.

This article will examine the development and application of emotional intelligence in the position of a daughter-in-law, with a particular emphasis on five essential domains: motivation, self-regulation, self-awareness, empathy, and social skills.

1. Self-Awareness: Comprehending Your Personal Feelings

The capacity to identify and comprehend your own feelings and how they impact your actions and interpersonal interactions is known as self-awareness.

In the context of the daughter-in-law:

  • A daughter-in-law frequently finds herself in circumstances where her expectations, values, or views diverge from those of her in-laws. Being self-aware entails being able to identify and pinpoint the underlying causes of specific feelings, such as defensiveness, worry, or frustration.
  • It’s critical to consider your feelings and evaluate your responses when disagreements occur. Identifying the feelings of hurt or misunderstanding you have when a family custom is unfamiliar to you, for instance, might assist in coping with the emotions brought on by these difficulties.

How to Get Better:

  • Journaling: Keeping a daily diary of your feelings might assist you in recognizing trends and triggers.
  • Mindfulness: Engage in activities that help you stay in the now and accept your feelings without passing judgment.

Advantages: Increased self-awareness results in more composed responses to disagreement and a clearer comprehension of your own boundaries, which can improve ties within the family.

2. Self-Control: Taking Charge of Your Responses

Self-regulation is the capacity to restrain impulsive thoughts and actions, effectively manage your emotions, and accept accountability for your deeds.

In the context of the daughter-in-law:

  • Unspoken expectations and various cultural or familial customs might lead to difficult family dynamics at times. A self-regulatory daughter-in-law can control her sentiments of irritation, jealousy, or rage, keeping them from turning into arguments.
  • For instance, self-control enables you to hold back before retaliating defensively if you sense criticism from an in-law. Rather than reacting with pain or rage, you can decide to have a calm-headed conversation or take a step back to think things through.

How to Get Better:

  • Deep Breathing: When you’re feeling tense, taking deep breaths might help you relax and clear your head.
  • Pausing: Give yourself some time to think things through before reacting to criticism or a difficult circumstance.

Advantages: Self-control keeps arguments from getting worse and promotes fruitful communication. This contributes to preserving a civil and quiet home environment.

3. Motivation: Remaining Positive and Committed

In emotional intelligence, motivation is defined as the inner desire to advance and succeed for the sake of one’s own development, as opposed to merely pursuing material gains.

In the context of the daughter-in-law:

  • A daughter-in-law driven by emotional intelligence seeks to maintain good connections with her in-laws because she cherishes peace and closeness with the family. This drive facilitates the development of a closer relationship with the family than just surface-level greetings.
  • A stronger family unit can result from realizing the importance of maintaining a pleasant connection, even if it requires effort, with your in-laws.

How to Get Better:

  • Goal-setting: Establish your own objectives for the development of your relationship with your in-laws. For example, “I want to have an open conversation about our differences with my father-in-law.”
  • Positive Affirmations: Remind yourself of the significance of maintaining an optimistic outlook when interacting with your family.

Advantages: A driven daughter-in-law fosters a loving and supportive environment and takes the initiative to maintain family unity. This lessens the likelihood of misunderstandings and creates a strong bond based on respect and trust.

4. Empathy: Perceiving Other People’s Feelings

Empathy is the capacity to place oneself in another person’s shoes in order to comprehend and experience their feelings.

In the context of the daughter-in-law:

  • Understanding the viewpoints of in-laws requires empathy, particularly in situations where there may be generational or cultural divides. For example, you can handle arguments with tolerance if you understand that your in-laws may have traditional ideas about family roles.
  • Empathy also involves acknowledging the emotional significance of specific family dynamics, such as the protective sentiments a mother could have for her child or the difficulties an elderly parent might face.

How to Get Better:

  • Active Listening: Pay attention to your in-laws’ conversation without planning your response or interjecting. Focus on grasping their perspective.
  • Ask Questions: Pose open-ended questions if you notice tension or misunderstanding to better understand your in-laws’ feelings on a topic.

Advantages: By exhibiting empathy, a daughter-in-law creates stronger bonds and reduces misunderstandings. Establishing a foundation of trust facilitates more open and non-adversarial family discussions.

5. Social Skills: Establishing and Sustaining Connections

Social skills refer to the capacity to establish rapport, maintain healthy relationships, and effectively handle social situations.

In the context of the daughter-in-law:

  • Being a supportive part of the family, keeping lines of communication open, and demonstrating interest in family customs are all important components of developing effective social skills. Attending family events, even if they don’t suit your preferences, demonstrates respect for the family relationship.
  • Social skills also involve resolving disputes amicably and finding common ground with family members.

How to Get Better:

  • Be Approachable: Ensure you come off as approachable by showing genuine interest in the lives and pursuits of your family members.
  • Conflict Resolution: Learn negotiation and mediation techniques to handle family conflicts without escalating tension over time.

Advantages: Strong social skills make a daughter-in-law a valued member of the family who can mediate conflicts between divergent personalities and promote harmony. She contributes to maintaining peace in the home, benefiting all family members.


To successfully navigate the complexities of family interactions, every daughter-in-law needs to possess emotional intelligence. Developing self-awareness, self-control, motivation, empathy, and social skills is crucial for establishing wholesome bonds, settling disputes, and creating a feeling of family unity. These abilities not only improve individual wellbeing but also foster a tranquil, loving, and respectful home environment.


  1. Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. New York: Bantam Books, 1995.
  2. Salovey, Peter, and John D. Mayer. “Emotional Intelligence.” Imagination, Cognition, and Personality 9, no. 3 (1990): 185-211.



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