Ladies Club

Positive Body Image and Self-Care

Positive Body Image and Self-Care

Adolescence is characterized by swift changes in one’s physical, emotional, and social aspects. Creating a good body image and engaging in self-care are essential throughout this phase for boosting self-esteem and preserving general well-being. This note will discuss the value of self-care and having a positive body image, why these things are important for teenagers, …

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Supporting each other through life’s Journey

The journey of life is full of different joys, struggles, and milestones. Having a supportive network can really help, especially for women. Women who help one another build strong communities that encourage development, resiliency, and empowerment. This paper examines the significance of women helping one another, practical methods for doing so, and the effects such …

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Ladies Self-care and mindfulness

Ladies Self-care and mindfulness

In the fast-paced world of today, self-care and mindfulness have become vital habits. Integrating these techniques into daily life can result in better well-being, improved mental health, and a balanced lifestyle—particularly for women who frequently juggle various tasks and obligations. This manual examines the ideas of mindfulness and self-care, offering helpful advice designed specifically for …

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Travel with kids: Tips on how to make it light, simple and child-friendly!I won’t say easy, because it is not :)

A lot of moms out there may be experts already, some new ones. and some may just benefit with reminders, and lots of reminders… Organizing packing and travel with kids is not an easy task. Nevertheless, it needs attention. Here are some helpful ideas: Note-taking make note-taking a habit with small kids especially because the …

Travel with kids: Tips on how to make it light, simple and child-friendly!I won’t say easy, because it is not 🙂 Read More »

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Why do children have nightmares and what you can do about them

First, let us ask this question: Why is it important to focus on a good sleep? Good sleep is important because spurts of growth hormones are released in the child’s body. Although these are released throughout the day but they peak especially when the child is sleeping (mostly during deep sleep, but may be released …

Why do children have nightmares and what you can do about them Read More »